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Women & Girls In Sport Night : Presented by Her Love of Sports

Professional soccer team, Pacific Football Club, hosted their first ever Women & Girls In Sport Night which was presented and organized by Her Love of Sports!

The night included a meet & greet with female Olympians, commemorative women in sports match day program, limited edition t-shirt giveaways, and much more. $10 tickets were offered to any female sports team or organization, subsidized by Her Love of Sports. Pacific FC defeated FC Edmonton 5-1 to cap off the night!

"Fantastic initiative in support of Women & Girls in Sports, presented by Her Love of Sport and Katie Hamilton at the Canadian Premier League match between Pacific FC and FC Edmonton. Hundreds of girls from a dozen local soccer clubs came out in force, first to meet Canadian Olympians Susanne Grainger and Kristen Kit (Rowing Gold, Tokyo 2020), Emma Entzminger (Softball Bronze, Tokyo 2020), Liz Ashton (Speed Skating, Gold & Silver 2020 Special Olympics), Charity Williams and Pamphinette Buisa (Rugby 7s, Tokyo 2020) and Celina Toth (Diving, Tokyo 2020). The game itself, together with the pre and half-time shows featuring interviews with the Olympians, were all aired on OneSoccer, Mediapro Canada's dedicated soccer channel, available nationwide on TELUS's Optik TV (Ch 980), on fuboTV and online at" - Mediapro Canada


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